Entrepreneursanslimites » Amazon FBA » 2 Amazon FBA accounts: how to get them?

2 Amazon FBA accounts: how to get them?

How to create two Amazon FBA accounts

Having two Amazon FBA accounts can be an attractive solution for some sellers who want to grow their e-commerce business. However, it is important to know that creating multiple accounts may be against Amazon’s terms of service. In this article, we will explain how to create two Amazon FBA accounts legally and securely.

1. Check Amazon Policies

Before creating a second Amazon FBA account, it is essential to carefully read Amazon’s terms of service. It is important to follow the site rules and not violate Amazon policies. Creating multiple accounts without authorization may result in the suspension of all your accounts and loss of your rights as a seller.

2. Use distinct identifiers

To create a second Amazon FBA account, you will need to use separate credentials. This means that you should not use the same information such as your name, address or phone number for both accounts. Also make sure to use a different email address for each account.

3. Create a new business entity

To avoid conflicts with Amazon, it is recommended to create a new business entity for your second account. This may take the form of a new business or a subsidiary of your existing business. Make sure you comply with all laws and regulations regarding setting up a business entity in your country.

4. Use different payment methods

For each Amazon FBA account, you will need to use different payment methods. This means that you should not use the same credit card or bank account for both accounts. This measure keeps the finances of the two accounts separate and facilitates the accounting management of each account.

5. Don’t compete with yourself

When you have two Amazon FBA accounts, it’s important not to compete with yourself. This means that you should not sell the same products on both accounts. Competing against yourself can lead to sales cannibalization issues and may also be considered a violation of Amazon policies.

6. Respect sales limits

Amazon imposes sales limits for new sellers to ensure a fair selling experience for all users. When you create a second Amazon FBA account, make sure you respect these limits and don’t circumvent them. Do not attempt to transfer your inventory or manipulate sales limits, as this may result in your accounts being suspended.

In conclusion, creating two Amazon FBA accounts may be a viable option for some sellers, but it is important to follow Amazon’s rules and policies. Be sure to read Amazon’s terms of service carefully, use separate logins, create a new business entity, use different payment methods, do not compete with yourself, and respect the sales limits imposed by Amazon.

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